Page name: Randomness Anime Pictures [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-06-16 20:39:52
Last author: Kailynn
Owner: Kailynn
# of watchers: 4
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Anime pictures will be put up here!...It doesn't matter what anime it's from! But be conciderate of others and don't put up something that you think will offend others! Comments can be put under the pictures, but please no claiming! That can make other upset!...^^..Thankies!..Please enjoy all of the anime pictures!



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Randomness Anime!! Pictures2
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2007-06-17 [Kailynn]: I want ears like them!!!...*eyes narrow.* have a completely different reason, don't you?...

2007-06-17 [クロナ]: *grins.* Maybe...but only if you loose them like they do in the show!!!

2007-06-17 [Kailynn]: O////O...TELYNN!!!! You're a perv!!!.....

2007-06-17 [クロナ]: *grins.*..Nah....I wouldn't take you're ears from you!!.....Unless you wanted me to.:P

2007-06-17 [Kailynn]: I'd let Ritsuka!!....or Soubi!!....^^.They're absolutely Kawaii!!

2007-06-17 [クロナ]: *grins.* Who's a prev now!!???

2007-06-17 [Kailynn]: ^////^..Me....

2007-06-18 [クロナ]: ^^....

2007-06-19 [Kailynn]: OO...shut up...

2007-06-19 [クロナ]: Rika-chan!!!!..Rika-chan!!!!Look at this one!!!!

2007-06-19 [Kailynn]: *passes out.*..^^

2007-06-19 [クロナ]: ^^..Hot isn't it...

2007-06-19 [Kailynn]: Yeah!!!..I want it!!!!..*grabs Ritsuka-kun's ears*.....It's so hot!!!...^^

2007-06-19 [クロナ]: ^^...Yeah, it is!!!..^^

2007-06-19 [Kailynn]: ^^.....I was going to say something...but I lost it....Darn...

2007-06-19 [クロナ]: ^^'..That's my Rika-chan!!..*huggles.*

2007-06-19 [Kailynn]: *trys to get away.* I'm not yours!!!....TT.TT

2007-06-19 [クロナ]: But..Rika-chan!!...WE could be like Soubi and Ritsuka!!....I'd buy you some aborable ears!!!

2007-06-19 [Kailynn]: Ummmm..I already have ears!!!..and the way you and Caita-chan were talking...that's not a good thing! You perv!!!

2007-06-19 [クロナ]: =^-^=

2007-06-19 [Kailynn]: *pokes Tey's eye*

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: it burns!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! X_X

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: OO....I'll find a piccy that will make it better, Caita-chan!!!!

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: *eyes watering*

2007-06-20 [クロナ]: *pokes Caita.* It's very pretty!!!!...How could you say something like that!!...Unless it burns in a good way!!..^^

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: Look at This CAita-chan!!!!...It'll help!!!...<img:>

2007-06-20 [クロナ]: *drools.*.....

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: ^^...It's teh Smexy!!...

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: the bandwidth of my comp is exeeded, i cant see it ^_^'

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: OO...*dies*

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: well just tell me then, whats it look like?

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: the best piccy in the world!!!!!!

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: really?

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: Errrrr....Yeah!!!

2007-06-20 [クロナ]: Yeah....I can't see it now!!...BUt Iknow what it is!!'s hangin' on my wall....I wanna meet that person!!!.....

2007-06-20 [Kailynn]: I still can!!!...*ish happy*

2007-06-20 [shadow frost wolf]: who?

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: *grins.*..The bestest magician to ever walk the planet!!!

2007-06-21 [クロナ]: Duh!!!

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: dark magician?

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: Nope!!..I mean Real Life greatest Magician. (but the D.M. is pretty hot!!)

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: chuckie cheese!!

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]:

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: good....he scares me OO.....and my neice.....and my daughter....

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: ????

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: what?

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: *shrugs.*...I lost it...

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: oh the daughter?

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: Umm...yeah..sounds about right...

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: she's not my real daughter, her name is mushi, or at least thats what i call her ^^

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: Ah!!..Yeah!!..I remember you saying that now!!...

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: yep, were both scared of chuckie, well not me, but i wanna tear his nose off and choke him!!!

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: ^^....Wow..that almost makes me feel a bit better about what I'm scared of!!..^^

2007-06-21 [shadow frost wolf]: envy?

2007-06-21 [Kailynn]: mean...and actual Phoba

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: *grins.*...I know what it is!!!..

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: Shut up!!..Don't say anything!!..

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: ^^..I won't!!..

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: Okay..That's good...

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: *grins.*

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: No!!!..Tey!!!!..Don't!!!..TT.TT

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: :(..Okay...

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: *hugs.*

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: *hugs back.*..Yay!!

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: Okay...You can let go now!!...

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: But...I like holding you!!..TT.TT

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: Perv!!

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: OO....?????????

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: *lets Gaa-chan eat Tey.*

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: *eaten* TT.TT

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: *grins.*

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: TT.TT

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: tee-hee..

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: OO...

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: RAWR!!!...

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: MEW!!

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: ????

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: WOLF!!

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-22 [クロナ]:


2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO..*dies.*

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: OO..*pokes.,*

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: X.X

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: *pokes again.*

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: X.X

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: *poke,.*

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: X.X

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: Rika-chan?...

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: RAWR!!

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: Mew?..

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: ......

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: *poke.*

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: ???

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: mew??

2007-06-22 [クロナ]: Wow....This....Died....Big time...

2007-06-22 [Kailynn]: yup....

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: wha?

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: The comments died...OO

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: who killed them?

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: XD...I meant...that the conversation died..^^....thus...the comments died..^^...but..I guess that Tey and I killed them...

2007-06-24 [クロナ]: I didn't kill anything!!...

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: ^^..Suuuuuure...

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: hello childeren!

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: HI!!!!...^^..*huggles.*

2007-06-24 [クロナ]: *grabs Rika-chan away.* She's mine!!

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: OO..No!!..Caita-chan!!..Help!!...TT.TT

2007-06-24 [クロナ]: *huggling Rika-chan.*

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: Caita-chan!!

2007-06-24 [クロナ]: OO

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: ....

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: she wasnt nearly as aggresive as yesterday

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: She didn't have time to be...OO

2007-06-24 [shadow frost wolf]: i see.....we need a strategy....XD

2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: I think that she's upset....Her mom's really bothering her...

2007-06-25 [shadow frost wolf]: aww.....thats no good.....dont suppose you know why?

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: Her's moms a butt monkey....she was prob drunk and it upset Tey when her mom gets drunk....b/c her mom saya lot of things that she wouldn't normally say.....that a mom shouldn't ever say to a child...much less their own....

2007-06-25 [クロナ]: .......

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: *huggles.* it's okay...

2007-06-25 [クロナ]: I know..She just makes me mad when she does stuff like that...

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: I know.....I know.....

2007-06-25 [クロナ]: ...

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: RAWR!!!

2007-06-25 [クロナ]: OO

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: BOO!!!!

2007-06-25 [クロナ]: OO

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: ^^

2007-06-25 [クロナ]: OO...

2007-06-25 [shadow frost wolf]: mew?!

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: BOO!!!

2007-06-26 [shadow frost wolf]: *screams like an old lady and passes out*

2007-06-26 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-27 [shadow frost wolf]: X_X

2007-06-27 [Kailynn]: OO *shocked.*

2007-06-27 [shadow frost wolf]: *rises from the dead* HI!! ^_~

2007-06-27 [Kailynn]: MEEP!!!...X.X

2007-06-27 [shadow frost wolf]: now you died too!

2007-06-27 [Kailynn]: X.X

2007-06-29 [shadow frost wolf]: NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!

2007-06-29 [Kailynn]: ^^

2007-06-29 [shadow frost wolf]: yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!

2007-06-29 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-07-01 [shadow frost wolf]: POP?

2007-07-02 [Kailynn]: Goes the weasel!!!!....^^....OO..SOrry that got a hug giggle out of me!!...I"m just really hyper!!!

2007-07-02 [shadow frost wolf]: well i like it ^^

2007-07-02 [Kailynn]: Yay!!!!

2007-07-03 [shadow frost wolf]: i like when your hyper because its impossible to be hyper and sad at the same time meaning you must be having a good day ^^

2007-07-03 [chyu]: hi

2007-07-03 [Kailynn]: Ummm...I'm like that all the time...I'm hyper and depressed..all the time..mainly b/c I suffer from depression..It's not that bad..but I do have ADD and OCD..:P

2007-07-05 [shadow frost wolf]: we went over those in class ^^

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: So did we...and we went over Muliple Personalities..and it made me feel really sorry for Rika-chan...MY poor OC..She has it so hard...But I almost feel sorry for Aru-chan more....

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: OO....she's skitsofranic? XD

2007-07-07 [Kailynn]: Ummm...No..There's actually a huge difference in the two...Skitzo and multiple personalities...I mean..

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: well im not sure what the multi persona condition is really ^^'

2007-07-08 [Kailynn]: It's were you're more than one preson..basically..and Skitzo is more like you're you talk to people that aren't there..and you really believe that they are....

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: cool! that is the solution to chronic lonliness! XDD

2007-07-09 [Kailynn]: ummm....Not really..It's not that much of a good thing...

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: i have a light side complex is all ^^

2007-07-10 [Kailynn]: Yeah...Well Rika-chan is all happy hyper one minute..and then she'll try and kill someone the next...

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: Rika-chan can kill?! Cool!!! ^^

2007-07-11 [Kailynn]: Yeah...She can...She hasn't yet....but I wouldn't put it past one of her personalities....

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: *huggles Rika-chan* dont worry about it ^^ i cant really feel the kill instinct in you

2007-07-11 [Kailynn]: ^^...Well..That's a good thing..^^

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: my instincts normally work, especially on homework!

2007-07-12 [Kailynn]: XD....

2007-07-12 [shadow frost wolf]: once i had a case of de ja vue and i could feel the answers on a test OO...

2007-07-13 [Kailynn]: ^^...I have it all the time...I have dreams and then that thing happens...but I can't remember the dream all that well...I just have it "This has happened before." The people are saying the same thing...and things like that...OO

2007-07-13 [shadow frost wolf]: thats de ja vue ^^

2007-07-15 [Kailynn]: ^^...Yuppers..OO..My hands hurt really badly...TT.TT

2007-07-15 [shadow frost wolf]: why?! Dont type if it hurts!!!

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: but..I like getting on the I can't help hurts even if I don't I can be in pain and do something that I like..or not do something that I like to do..and be in pain

2007-07-16 [shadow frost wolf]: how'd you hurt it?

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: I have blisters all over my hands from having to do yard work....(My hands are way to solf and delicate to do things like they get rubbed raw, blister, and bleed easily)

2007-07-16 [shadow frost wolf]: does your step dad know your a girl?! that type of work isnt for girls!

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: Mom did it, too....So it wouldn't have says that I should be lucky that I didn't have to chop down the trees...but I told him that at least his hands don't hurt to move them..and he said that his should does..and I was like...both of mine do...and so do my legs..but that nothing compared to my hands...I love them! what else am I supposed to use for reading, writing, and drawing....?!?!?!?

2007-07-18 [shadow frost wolf]: your steppy is EVIL!!!!!!! >.<

2007-07-19 [Kailynn]: Ummm..Yeah....

2007-07-19 [shadow frost wolf]: i must design a plan to take care of him once and for all.... *rubbing hands evilly*

2007-07-20 [Kailynn]: ....

2007-07-20 [shadow frost wolf]: aww...come on, you know i cant stand it when you dont say anything...

2007-07-22 [Kailynn]: I'm sorry

2007-07-22 [shadow frost wolf]: its fine, i guess its just the inner me that at least wants to know your interested ^^'

2007-08-01 [Kailynn]: ....

2007-08-01 [shadow frost wolf]: .......

2007-08-01 [Kailynn]: ..

2007-08-01 [shadow frost wolf]: <img:>

2007-08-01 [Kailynn]: ....

2007-08-02 [shadow frost wolf]: chibi!!!

2007-08-03 [Kailynn]: Mew

2007-08-04 [shadow frost wolf]: flareon

2007-08-04 [Kailynn]: OO....I wasn't talking about pokemon....XD..I was meowing...^^ That's how my Trouble and Jenny sound when they meow..It's so cute!!

2007-08-06 [shadow frost wolf]: trouble and jenny? XD

2007-08-06 [Coldfire1]: nawww *hugs ritsuka*

2007-08-07 [shadow frost wolf]: im suprised she hasnt put any pics of him up here ^^

2007-08-08 [Kailynn]: Trouble and Jenny are the two kittens that we're going to keep...and then this Friday the twins are going to be on tv so that way we can give them to the same person..since the twins wou;dn't handle seperation to well

2007-08-09 [shadow frost wolf]: thats thoughtful of you ^^

2007-08-10 [Kailynn]: Well...We can't keep them ...

2007-08-10 [shadow frost wolf]: i wish i were closer, id take them for you

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